Saturday, July 21, 2007
Many things have been going on.
1. Seng's birthday surprise was fun! Debrah seng aaron lai and I went to watch harry potter and lured him to my house pissed and then "SURPRISE!"... weehee!
2. My teaching career path was nearly shattered by a phonecall that said I needed to get a reference letter from the VP or P from the school. It took a lot of courage for myself to actually ask for one. Long story cut short, I did a satisfying lesson plan for English Comprehension taught to a Pri 5 class and the VP observe. He said he has lower expectation since I was an untrained teacher, but was impressed by my lesson. And so will write a reference letter for me by monday. Praise God! Before the observation, I was really freaked out, I kept praying out loud.
So to answer Kai from the tag - Teaching is a career path I really wanna keep trying til I've exhausted all my means. I know people say that my sister choose teaching, then lizhu, then aaron, then me. Honestly, I was not influenced by them at all. I mean I enjoy listening to their stories of the kids, but after you have taught for a period of time, it's a whole new different ball game. I find it so fulfiling, fun, interactive, you have to be fast on the spot. It's a combination of alot of things. That time when I took over my sister's class for more than 1 month, I found myself actually going out to the assembly area to say goodbye to the form class kids everyday.
3. Youth lesson for my group has ENDED!!! WOOHOO! now it's Seng's group. Yep, IT does matter! (S____) lalalallalaaaa...
4. I'm having mood swings. I need chocolate. __________________________________________________________________
When you ask her "How are you? are you okie?"
She replies you,
"If I say Yes.
Would you say 'That's great!' and leave me alone?
If I was to say I don't know.
Would you probe further and ask 'What's going on?'
If I was to say No.
Would you spend sometime with me and share the burden
thought to yourself 'darn, I shouldn't have asked you'"
I remember once when she asked me am I okie? And I replied "If I told you, would you understand?". After everything, she told me that when I replied her, it felt as if thousands of knives stabbed her heart.
Another time on Sunday, I was feeling extremely hurt and sad. I tried to hide it. My face appearence should be fine, don't think they'll be able to see my eyes too - it's too small. Somehow inside I wished somebody would be able to see through the hiding. I had those people in mind. But to my surprise, it was an unexpected person that asked me "Hey Angela, are you okie?" She looked directly at me with her eyebrows in a frowning position geniuingly trying to figure it out. I remember feeling a sense of relief.
I'll never forget how important such questions were, and how important the answers were too.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
I'm feeling kinda frustrated, so decided to take my mind off it and just do some really ohbiang photoshopping. Was looking through some pics that I didn't know I had and played around...

Took picture of Manfred and Dasha during camp. Wasn't really suppose to do that since it was like for the church camp purpose, but heck, the two were super curious about the camera so just take advantage. So adorable! Manfred kept wanting to see himself in the LCD screen. Then he'll say "Take Picture! Take picture!"... so when I said "1, 2, 3.." They smiled from ear to ear. So cute!!
Sigh... I dunno whether I should really pursue the teaching career path. So dry, so confused and so sian right now..