I am Legend
Thursday, January 24, 2008

AWESOME movie. It's extremely gripping. Shocks and tears and storyline is simple and makes sense. The pshycological behaviour potrayed was stunning. You can totally empathsize throught the screen! Well I did lah. I really really like this movie. It's a depressing movie but it's really good. Will Smith is my all-time favourite. (Bad Boys 1 & 2, I Robot, Pursuit of Happyness, Independance Day)... Watched it last night and it's the next day afternoon now and I'm still gripped and thinking about the show. awesome.
Monday, January 21, 2008
It's been one exhausting week, and now I'm having sore throat. One heck of a painful sore throat. I had alot of bad feeling about my lessons today eventhough I extensively over prepared. And adding on to the sore throat, bad feeling just became reinforced. But at the end of the day, I really thank God, because not only were my lessons good, but my kids were able to produce work that I would not anticipate for (I really expected for the worst).
Now my throat is blah. Been talking for the past 5 hours.
Little John was soooo cute today! He came and tap tap me gently again and "Miss Tang Miss Tang!" TWICE! awwwwwwwwwwwww..... Today for their art lesson, I told them to draw their favourite Superhero, and boy did I not know that Power Rangers still existed! There is this Power Rangers Mystic Force. wahahahhahahaha... advanced until like that ah. I still remember when I was in Primary school, I loveeeeed Power Rangers. It will show every sunday morning 11am. go go power rangers!
Tomorrow my kid (the one who is in his own ultraman world) will not be coming to school! *softly saying yay!* MUHAHAHAHAHHA.... he's really getting on my nerves with his attitude. He would always sulk whenever I tell him to do his work, and he never does his work, so imagine how many times he will sulk in a day. Sulk somemore and your face will look so ugly next time difficult to get gf then you know ah!
BTW!!!! you know how much I really wanted to go to Underwater World?! NOW I CAN! FREE!!!!... heeheeeheee.. cause my P2 English STELLAR lesson guideline suggest we go to underwater world and butterfly park. so.... my kids are going there for excursion. and of course as their english teacher, I'll be going too! MUHAHAHAHHAAAAAAaaaaa... Thank You GOD!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
SO SO SO SO SLPEEPY!!!!!!!!!!!! It was to the point where I would sleep in the toilet for 1/2 hour. I will sleep at 1030/11pm then wake up at 6am, be in school for 12 hours, then come home cook dinner, shower, surf net, and sleep. SO NO LIFE! but I love it! I love this teaching life, it's pretty rewarding for now.
I was teaching Art & Craft to this Pri 1 class, and this little boy who has 2 missing teeth would come up to me and tap tap my hand very gently and say "Ms Tang Ms Tang" and I look down at him, he will have a blank at his line of teeths. SO adorable. The Pri 1s just love to touch the teachers somehow. But this boy would be so cute, every single time he comes up to me, he'll tap my hand so gently. tap tap "Ms Tang Ms Tang".... okie now it's say it together 'awwwwwww...'. But you find the children cute, you'll find the people who keeps these children at their home crazy and unreasonable.
Tmr I have 2 1/2 hrs of free periods, that's for me to do my lesson plan for Pri 2 Maths which is Addition and Subtraction unit. Important topic. Stress. Pray angela, pray.
are you ready?? cause I am. I just need you to look closer and be closer.