Sunday, February 24, 2008
So tmr is gonna be an awesome MONDAY.... why so?...cause my Principal is gonna observe my lesson for 1 hour!.... WOOHOO!.... I've got class activity and group activity that I've plan to carry out during the 2 hopefully she stays for the better hour.. I pray my kids will be good tmr... well they are the better lot of students... so it's a showdown tmr baby!... I was stressed out at first when I was planning the lesson, but now that I've put alot onto this planning, I feel good and relieve... like you know when you constipate and you poo out all of it that kind of relieve and good feeling... wahaha!!...
Went to Geylang on one fine night, and by anyhow walking, we 'stumbled' upon red light district. Well, it wasn't all RED light, it seems more happening at the DARK alley... Single unaccompanied men/boy going out there would be like a prey attacked (or rather grabbed by the arm) by the woohoo predators. There were young ones, there were old ones. Going there once would be good enough. So great! It's a strike off my "things to do in my lifetime" list.... hahahaha... Next stop, maybe the ferris wheel in Singapore. I hope I don't puke or get height fright!...
Monday, February 18, 2008
decided not to post my sentosa trip pics... cuz most of them got my kids face, so abit not good to post it. I nickname some of them (all of whom are very good people) my nerd boy, my little monk, and my pretty girl!.. still got the exaggerated boy... haha... so instead of those photos I shall just post this pic of a heavily chocolate covered cupcake which I made and fed the youths with last year.

Josiah Leming Performs Grace Kelly American Idol
Thursday, February 14, 2008
So sad he didn't get in top 24. I love this audition.
Land Before Time - If We Hold On Together
Friday, February 8, 2008
I remember watching this movie and crying when I was young. Never dared watch it again.
When we were Sec3, my class and I sang this song to the elderly at the old folks home. If they understood the meaning of this song, they would cry. definately.
A Whole New World Recording Session
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Her voice is so bright!
Aladdin (Disney) - A Whole New World
2012 doomsday
Okie, not to cause a panic but something interesting came up when I was surfing the net. 2012 Doomsday. The Mayan prophercy states the end of time will be Dec 21, 2012. From what I read, the Mayans are quite well known for their prophercies, espeically end time prophercies. To sum it all up, they have this sun stone which their version of a calender. The calender's Day 1 was August 11th 3114BC, and the calender ended on Dec 21 2012..... So I was thinking, maybe they ran out of stone to carve out the remaining days.... but then it came to the astronomy POV about the sun's solar flares and galaxy planet alighnment cataclysmic polar shift the cause of doomsday.....
so with such a popular prophercy, what comes along is of course a MOVIE!... if you fear the end of times then don't watch it (or rather not read this post, but abit too late.. hee).
To me, a prophercy is just saying something about the future that may or may not come true. Nothing is certain. It's all in God's hands.
As for all the 'evidence' supporting the 2012 Doomsday, they may be true they may not be. But I feel that it's all manipulation of science to accomodate the prophercy.
Well, if it is true, I would push forward my CHRISTMAS PARTY to Dec 20! MUHAHAHA
okie you guys.. you know what is on my mind now?! absolutely nothing! i'm thinking of nothing at 2pm in the afternoon! this is bad...... what on earth happened to my brain... (i know u have the silly answer, so to save time. my reply to you is "u idiot")
So I watched The Mist with chia... and it was a long movie... which is still stuck in my brain. It was okie for $6.. but not for $9.50. REALLY. the ending was like a smack in the face. boohoo...
There's so many things to be done... lemme list so that I hope you can help me in the process... MUHAHA
1. get my 21 bdae pics from chia
2. file my kid's art
3. hang my kid's CNY decor in their classes
4. plan MLEA (1) and (2)
5. plan maths (addition using models)
6. prepare for SENTOSA trip (yea baby yea!!)
7. trim my ugly hair!
8. wedding meeting (23 feb)
9. set maths worksheet & mental sums (chap 10-12)
10. set maths test 2
11. get a life...........
awesome.... hope it's do-able...
I'm really trying to save money.... and I'm sooo thankful for canteen food... everyday I would spent a max of $2.... awesome right!.. that's for fulfilling lunch and a drink to last me from 8am-7pm everyday... thank you canteen ppl for making it so cheap!...